Thursday, January 16, 2014

From Teacher to Learner

I just read this quote and it resonated with me when I applied it to business.

Anything that turns your expectations of yourself upside down and flip-flops the teacher into a student again is a salutary experience that will force you to reconsider how learning works.

I have recently had this experience of flipping from teacher to pupil when I took an online course run by a new program I have invested in. It was great to be the learner with the usual information asymmetry reversed. I learned heaps and the 21 step course was paced exactly right for maximum information uptake. I will write more about this new program once I have got my first payments through.


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Friday, January 10, 2014

Empire Avenue - Must Join Business Social Network

I have been using Empire Avenue for well over a year now. This is like a Business "Facebook" which tracks your worth via a share value that reflects your social network scores across many social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Four Square, Google Plus and of course Empire Avenue itself.

My EA share value has gone up from 70 to 102 EA in the last 6 months. The top networkers are worth in excess of 1200 EA per share

Click the link below to check out the site.

Check Out Empire Avenue Now


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