Friday, April 11, 2014

Dr Kelp's Latest Quirky Find

Hi all

Just a quick message with a quirky find. I have seen a site called SheriHitz advertised quite a bit online. They had a compelling lifetime offer so I joined up. I didn't do much with it until recently when I tried out their multi-site option.

This is a feature I have not seen used before. Basically you submit your sherihitz multi link into other manual surf exchanges and you get credits when someone views the site in the new site. You get credits for unique hits but also for repeat visitors.

I have spent some time surfing there today and I have been surprised how many extra credits I am getting from this tool.

The best thing is that all surfers get paid cash for surfing. The higher your upgrade the more cash, but free members get cash as well. Where it gets interesting is that you get cash up to 6 levels down and the multiplier effect works there as well.

If you want to give it a try go to SheriHitz Signup

Kind Regards



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