Sunday, February 8, 2015

Driving Your Blog Presence

In a recent blogpost Mahesh Mohan shares three interesting points from an Infographic by Business 2 Community.

They are as follows:

1. 80% of daily blog visits are new.
2. Blogs that post daily get 5 times more traffic than those that post weekly or less.
3. Once you accumulate 51 posts, blog traffic increases by 53%, goes up by 3 times after 100 posts and by 4.5 times after 200 posts.

These are mind blowing statistics.

If you are using blogs to drive your web presence and marketing then these 3 facts will help you.

Mohan also shares that evergreen posts of high quality get enduring exposure. He pruned a number of his old posts and retained only 157 evergreen posts and his stats stayed unchanged. The lesson is that quality drives quantity.

Happy blogging


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