Friday, November 30, 2012

Under Promise and Over Deliver

The under promise and over deliver is tested and true business adage. When starting in business it is crucial that you know your own limitations. If you know you can provide something in 10 days then tell the client 12 days and try to deliver in 9. Clients love early delivery but get upset when you are late. This is all part of building up business trust. Having 2 days up your sleeve can also provide a buffer in case anything goes wrong.

Dr Kelps Programs that Pay

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I am Recommending Social Ad Surf

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Elvis Presley - Keeping Close to the Accountant

We don't usually think of Elvis Presley giving financial advice but see the quote below:

 I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.

Elvis Presley

Elvis had it right. Every business person needs to keep close to their accountant. It doesn't mean you will follow all of their advice, but the circumspect use of accounting advice will keep your business safe and also ensure that you are claiming all that you can.

The first bit of advice I got when I started as a manager was, Keep close to the money guy...

Dr Kelps Programs that Pay

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Long Term Business Survival

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
Steve Jobs

To survive in business over the long term you need to innovate to survive. Innovation doesn't necessarily mean inventing something new. It is more often a case of finding old tools to do something differently or changing a process to enhance customer experience. Don't let yourself get stale or you will notice the effects on your business endeavours.

Read, network, keep up to date with trade publications, keep alive.

Dr Kelps Programs that Pay

Friday, November 16, 2012

Look for new Trends

The business world today is fast paced. Successful business owners are always scanning the environment for new trends. Customers follow trends so you need to as well. The secret is to find the emerging trend before your customers and ride the wave of success. Sometimes you will get it wrong, but if you know business trends you will get it right for a high percentage of the time.

I have noted over time the growth in blogs, Twitter and Facebook as avenues for connecting with customers. Savvy movers were in there 3 years ago building and perfecting the tools to attract a new cohort of customers.

I would suggest for those of you that want free video training on this go to my web site and join up for Click Track Profit. Check the link: Dr Kelps Programs that Pay

Jon Olsen. Justin Ledvena and Tim know what they are doing.

Dr Kelps Programs that Pay

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Click Track Profit

Click Track Profit is still growing and innovating at a great rate. It has a Dr Kelp 5 star recommendation. Free training and an opportunity to build residual income for the long term. The guys who run this program are well established business entrepreneurs and their insights on business really motivate and amaze me. Click on the link under my name to check the program out.

Good luck in all your business endeavours.

Dr Kelps Programs that Pay